What is a cognitive assessment?
A cognitive assessment (or intelligence testing) is used to determine an individual's general thinking and reasoning abilities, also known as intellectual functioning or IQ. In Australia the most common intelligence test for children is the WISC V. Administration of the WISC V intelligence test usually takes approximately 1.5 to 2 hours, depending on the age and ability of the child.
a) Cognitive reasons for learning differences
If a child is experiencing academic difficulties, it is often helpful to conduct a cognitive assessment (IQ test) to determine the child’s intellectual ability and cognitive strengths and weaknesses. A cognitive assessment can often help to provide further insight into the underlying cognitive reasons for the child’s difficulties.
b) Intellectually advanced (‘gifted’)
A cognitive assessment can also help determine if a child is intellectually advanced. In these instances, a child would have an IQ that falls within the Very High or Extremely High Range of intellectual ability. In these cases, data from the cognitive assessment help to inform whether a child is achieving at their intellectual ability in the classroom. As with children who have academic challenges, children who are intellectually and academically advanced require adjustments in the educational setting so that they remain actively engaged in learning and achieve their cognitive potential.
c) Intellectual Disability
If a child is significantly delayed across several developmental areas, it may be that the child has Intellectual Disability. It is helpful for children who have substantial difficulty keeping up with their peers in academic progress, social development, and adaptive behaviour, to undergo an assessment to determine the underlying reasons for these delays. A cognitive assessment determines the intellectual ability of the child; an IQ below 70 may indicate Intellectual Disability. If the child meets the diagnostic criteria for Intellectual Disability, there are several factors that should be considered to best support the child through his/her educational journey:
Application for NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) funding
Verification in the school system so that an IEP (Individual Education Plan) can be created to meet the child’s educational needs
Modifications to the curriculum so that the child can achieve success and learn at his/her own pace
Exploration of appropriate vocational pathways when the child is of employment age
d) Diagnostic Assessment
In some instances, an IQ test provides helpful information in the diagnostic assessment of a possible neurodevelopmental disorder e.g., ADHD or ASD.
Cognitive Assessment Process
A one-hour intake interview with the parent/s where family, medical and educational history is documented
Viewing and interpretation of all academic, medical, and allied health assessment reports
Administration of the WISC V (IQ test)
Analysis and interpretation of data
A one-hour feedback session with the parent/s
A cognitive assessment report
Fees and Payment Process:
The total cost of the cognitive assessment, including the initial intake interview (approximately 6.5 hours in total) is $1 635
Initial Fee:
$230 to be paid by Debit/Credit Card on the day of the parent/s intake interview.
$575 to be paid by Debit/Credit Card on the day of the testing session with the child.
$600 is to be paid by Debit/Credit Card for the preparation of the report.
The balance of $230 is to be paid by Debit/Credit Card on the day of the feedback session with the parent/s.
An invoice will be sent via email following each payment.
PLEASE NOTE: Assessment of attention, ADHD, executive functioning, academic skills, intellectual disability, or autism spectrum tendencies, or the completion of an AARA Medical Form for senior schooling, will incur an additional fee. This amount will be discussed and agreed upon by the client prior to commencement of the assessment.
A 50% cancellation fee will apply unless at least 48-hour notice is provided.
NOTE: You may be eligible to claim a Medicare rebate for some sessions depending on the case. Some private health funds may cover some of the sessions. Please enquire at the time of booking which sessions you are likely to be eligible to claim for. There is no rebate applicable for testing sessions or report writing.